Boxing Trainer Michael ‘Coach Mike’ Kozlowski and his attitude to the upbringing of his students, regardless of politics in the country and in sports!
Posted on 14. Mar, 2021 by BoxingCoachMike in News
Currently, Politics and Sports are two inseparable concepts!
The Olympic Games have been powerful levers in the hands of World politicians for decades!
And, unfortunately, Boxing is no exception!
Boxing Trainer Michael ‘Coach Mike’ Kozlowski lived and raised his students for the first half of his adult life in the first country of the Socialism, the Soviet Union, where all life was politicized with a government-imposed belief in the bright future of communism!
The second part of his working life till this day, the coach of Champions lives and educates his students in the once most hostile country for him, the USA!

Michael Kozlowski during his military service in the ranks of the Soviet Army, the main enemy of which was the United States of America!
When the Russian Boxing Trainer started living and working in the USA, he saw a lot in common in the minds of the inhabitants of these two, once the most powerful and opposing world powers: the USSR and the USA!
Michael Kozlowski did not have to adapt to the mentality of the Americans, because the belief that we are the best in the World he absorbed from the first days of study in the Soviet school education, and his freedom-loving moods in his homeland, the USSR, he began, together with “Perestroika”, literally from the first days of his coaching career in Russia, in 1985.
The only big problem for a Russian Boxing Trainer in the United States was learning English, because in the school, college and university Michael Kozlowski studied German language. He had to learn English at work and on the street, because the financial situation of the new an American Trainer did not allow him to go to English courses and he had to work a lot in low-paid jobs to pay the bills…
From early in the morning Michael Kozlowski worked to make money for his family, and in the evenings and on weekends he trained his students in one of the most famous boxing gyms in the world, Gleason Gym! The New York students of the Russian trainer, for the most part, were Native Americans from low-income families and Russian Coach Mike immediately saw a big difference between the upbringing and attitude to work of the children of Native Americans and children of immigrants – those who left the New Countries of former the USSR and other countries! And this was clearly not in favor of the indigenous population of the United States!
Therefore, from the very first days of his coaching path in the USA, Coach Mike, in addition to the fact that his main goal is to build new Champions, also tries to educate his students, discipline, manners, honor, dignity, respect for elders, respect for the opponent, responsibility for the words and actions, the ability to defend your principles! The adult students Coach Mike teaches them to have their own personal and well-reasoned political position!!!
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