European Champion Luke Campbell training in New York City, again…
Posted on 29. Jun, 2010 by BoxingCoachMike in News
Once again, Luke Campbell, 2008 European boxing Champion and member of England National boxing Team, flew from England to train with Russian – American boxing trainer Michael Kozlowski. For the past three years, he has traveled from England to spend a week or two working with ‘Coach Mike’ on his technique. Luke always stays in Michael Kozlowski’s apartment and trains with his students in Gleasons Gym…

Luke Campbell ( in the center ) with boxing trainer Michael "Coach Mike" Kozlowski's students in the Gleason's GYM
Because of a hand injury, Luke Campbell could not compete in the 2010 European Boxing Championships in Moscow, Russia. As all of the other boxers on the English National Team rest after what was, in boxing trainer Michael Kozlowski’s opinion, a very successful event in Russia, Luke Campbell continues his training with boxing coach Mike in New York City.
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