Michael 'COACH MIKE' Kozlowski - coach of Russian, Israeli, Panamanian, Chilean & USA Champions

Boxing Trainer, Michael Kozlowski: “My boxing team helps me build my new Champions !!!”

Posted on 26. Oct, 2018 by in News

Boxing trainer, Michael Kozlowski, almost twenty years raising his Champions in the USA.
In America, it is not customary to train a group of boxers. Boxing coaches mostly work individually with their boxers, regardless of whether they are amateur or professionals boxers!
From the first days of his coaching work in the world-famous Gleasons GYM, Russian boxing trainer, Michael Kozlowski, set the task of creating a boxing team.
And the result was not long in coming. Already in the first years of coaching in New York students of Michael Kozlowski, such as Yuri Foreman and Jill Emery, took the lead in amateur boxing in the USA!
Yuri Flrman twice (2000-2001) won the bronze medal of the USA National Golden Gloves Championship!
Jill Emery in those years became two time champion of the women USA Nationals and became a member of the USA National Boxing Team and participant in the first Women’s Boxing World Championships in the History of World Boxing !!!
Now the boxing coach, Michael Kozlowski is working with new prospects in America but still known around the world as Coach Mike and his boxing team helping bringing up new Champions …

Boxing Coach Mike

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