Two weeks of training camp of Kazakhstan Boxing team held in the USA, conducted by close friend of the Dinamovsky national team of Kazakhstan in 80th, and now the American Boxing trainer, Michael “Coach Mike” Kozlowski, Tursun Yedilov.
Tursun Edilov…
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One of the most prestigious tournament in the amateur boxing of NYC, ’2014 New York Boxing Tournament’ has ended. The best amateur boxers of NYC and other states have taken part of this boxing event.
In the senior category (19-40y.o.)…
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Boxing trainer Michael ‘Coach Mike’ Kozlowski trains Olympic Champion Luke Campbell in England.
Posted 12. Jun, 2014 by BoxingCoachMike.
In the beginning of 2008 Russian boxing trainer, who trains his students in legendary Gleason’s Boxing Gym in Brooklyn, New York, started working with English boxer Luke Campbell. In the end of 2008 Luke Campbell won Gold medal in European…
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In early 80-s, of last century, when I was in Russian Soviet Army, our Head Coach of Boxing Army Team pushed us to run topless at winter time. Sometimes weather was -25°С (under 0°F) !
At that time we had…
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2012 Olympic Champion Luke Campbell visiting home of his American trainer Michael ‘Coach Mike’ Kozlowski.
Posted 19. Dec, 2013 by BoxingCoachMike.
Olympic Champion, professional boxer, Luke Campbell and his wife Lynsey visiting home of Luke’s American trainer Michael ‘Coach Mike’ Kozlowski before the Christmas.
What they were talking about you can see here:
Next day, after workout at Gleason’s gym, Coach…
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Boxing Trainer of Professional and Amateur CHAMPIONS around the World,
Michael ‘Coach Mike’ Kozlowski, works with KIDS since 1985.
Boxing for KIDS from Olesya on Vimeo.…
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Menahan Street Band Hit the Boxing Ring with Coach Mike in “Keep Coming Back”
Posted 05. Nov, 2013 by BoxingCoachMike.
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Boxing trainer Michael Kozlowski’s JO Israel National CHAMPION Edgar Yakubov. Israel 1998.
Posted 27. Sep, 2013 by BoxingCoachMike.
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Boxing Coach Michael Kozlowski’s students, Evan Ferreira and Julio Alamos – Champions of 2013 RINGSIDE World Championships !
Posted 09. Aug, 2013 by BoxingCoachMike.
In Kansas City, MO, USA finished 2013 Ringside World Championships – the largest amateur boxing tournament in the world.
More than 1500 boxers of any ages from many cities all over the America, and boxers from Canada, Chile and Australia…