2012 Olympic Champion Luke Campbell prepares for his pro debut. VIDEO.
Posted 10. Jun, 2013 by BoxingCoachMike.
2012 Olympic Champion Luke Campbell has begun preparation in the Legendary boxing Gleason’s Gym in New York under the trainer Michael “Coach Mike” Kozlowski for his professional debut.…
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Boxing Coach Michael Kozlowski, Russia, Kolomna town, 1991.
Posted 06. Jun, 2013 by BoxingCoachMike.
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2012 Olympic Champion, Luke Campbell(England), has brought to show the Gold medal of the Olympic Champion to his American trainer, Michael ‘Coach Mike’ Kozlowski.
Posted 06. Jun, 2013 by BoxingCoachMike.
I’m proud to be a part of this Olympic Gold ! – the boxing coach Michael Kozlowski has told.
The Olympic Champion from England, Luke Campbell, had a meeting with Coach Mike’s young prospects.
Luke Campbell was trained also with…
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Michelle Cugliani is now youngest ever student of boxing trainer Michael Kozlowski steps into the ring!
Posted 14. May, 2013 by BoxingCoachMike.
Last Saturday (May 11th) Coach Mike’s students took part in special show: “The Inauguration of Ronney Vargas Street” at 151-152nd Street and Wales Avenue. A new street sign in the name of one of Metro’s best amateurs, tragically slain at…
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Ich lernte den 52-Jährigen bei meiner Recherché für BOXEN HEUTE kennen. Eigentlich wollte ich nur meine Reihe über amerikanische Boxgyms im legendären New Yorker Gleasons Gym fortsetzen, doch da ich auch russisch spreche, kam ich schnell mit Kozlowski, der seit…
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2012 Olympic CHAMPION Luke Campbell is back in New York City again!
Posted 16. Apr, 2013 by BoxingCoachMike.
2012 Olympic Boxing Champion from England, Luke Campbell, surprised his American coach, Michael Kozlowski, recently in Gleason’s Gym, as he trained his young prospects.
Luke apologized for not having arrived earlier to thank the trainer for all the work he’d…
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Boxing trainer Michael Kozlowski called his former student, Yuri Foreman, “Judas Iscariot”.
Posted 10. Jan, 2013 by BoxingCoachMike.
Today, in the gym, face-to-face, boxing trainer Michael Kozlowski called Yuri Foreman, his former pupil and the former world champion, “Judas Iscariot”.
With sarcasm and an idiot’s smile on his face, Yuri said to Coach Mike, “And who are you?…
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Russian boxing trainer, Michael Kozlowski, helps the English National Boxing team prepare 2008 European Champion, Luke Campbell, and makes a 2012 Champion of Europe out of Yegor Plevako for the Ukraine!
Posted 29. Dec, 2012 by BoxingCoachMike.
Part II: Yegor Plevako.
Yegor Plevako’s story, in comparison with Luke Campbell is much more difficult. In the summer of 2010, when Yegor Plevako appeared for the first time in Gleason’s Gym in front of boxing trainer, Michael Kozlowski, he…
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Russian boxing trainer, Michael Kozlowski, helps the English National Boxing team prepare 2008 European Champion, Luke Campbell, and makes a 2012 Champion of Europe out of Egor Plevako for the Ukraine.
Posted 28. Dec, 2012 by BoxingCoachMike.
The Part I: Luke Campbell.
In the beginning of 2008 as boxing trainer Michael Kozlowski went into Starbucks near the legendary Gleason’s Gym, two boys who looked to be about 15 years old, approached the trainer speaking in pronounced British…
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Boxing trainer Michael COACH MIKE Kozlowski on the PRIZEFIGHTER Radio
Posted 16. Oct, 2012 by BoxingCoachMike.
Click below to listen:…